Do you tend to put off important or even unpleasant things? Then you must know the word “procrastination”. But how is it possible to deal with it and start leading a successful life? Let’s look at some tips which help you with this problem-
Set daily goals to pre-structure your workday. Attention: The goals should still contain space for interruptions and spontaneity.

Reward yourself when you reach an intermediate goal. Enjoy gambling on Bizzo Casino or similar virtual gambling platforms, buy a new T-shirt or book. It keeps you well motivated.
Such components as healthy sleep, proper nutrition are very important for good well-being. Take care of yourself. It is very important to stay healthy. Often lack of vitamins leads to depression, and in depression you are hardly motivated to do anything and take action. So take care of your health and go to the doctor if you think something is wrong with you.
There are things we don’t dare to do for some reason. Most people know this. There are just things we like to put off for a little while longer. Just five more minutes, an hour, or a day.
The stupid thing is, the longer we put things off (especially those with a deadline), the harder it becomes to tackle them. We teach our brains to build up an aversion to these things and the negative feelings associated with them get bigger and bigger. Even unconsciously, we find it harder and harder to relax and we can only enjoy the episodes of our favorite series so half-heartedly, while at heart we clearly know and feel:
You can also reward yourself with other things e.g. a warm cup with your favorite tea, a nice little snack or something completely individual that you can be happy about, that does not require a lot of effort and does not take up the whole rest of the day in terms of time.

If you are one of those people who find Whatsapp and Facebook much more exciting than the project proposal or the tax return, then only one thing helps: switch off. And not your head, but your devices. When your smartphone is out of reach and your computer is off the Wi-Fi, you can work with far fewer distractions.
Sometimes there are tasks that haunt you for months, and a guilty conscience becomes a constant companion. Here it can be useful to stop and ask yourself whether you actually need to achieve this goal or not. Is it your true goal? Can this goal be achieved differently? Sometimes it makes no sense to maintain certain goals if you have neither the time nor the inclination to do so, or if they are not important enough. So, you can postpone things because you dont find them useful or important fot you.